Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I never thought I would hear these words come out of my kid's mouth: "Mom, I just love being so organized! Even though this new school has a lot more homework, it's fun, and I am already learning so much!"

Guess we made the right decision to move him to a new school.

Big sigh of relief, as it started a little shaky, he came home from the first day with a major headache, walked in the door of the house, and threw up.

I could tell he was tense, and worried, (even though he claimed he wasn't). His new school is a really big change from his other school-uniforms, seven class periods a day with only three minutes in between to try and get the locker open, only a few familiar faces, and there is no leeway on forgetting your homework at home, or even in your locker. He has a 40 minute bus ride, and even on the days I pick him up he doesn't get home until 4:30, so it's a long day.
But clearly, he is adjusting, and it's working. And just last week I was thinking we maybe had really screwed up. We'll just take one week at a time...

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