Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Yesterday I had the great pleasure to meet two high school classmates for lunch.  One of them I had not seen, literally, since high school, and it was such fun to find out about her life of the last 30 years.  THIRTY YEARS.  I am still trying to figure out how that happened, but enough dwelling on the passage of time. 

We lead busy lives, with work, children, pets, houses to manage.  We develop friendships with neighbors, parents of our children's friends, school connections.  Some have childhood friends, that they always stay in contact with.  Others have maintained high school connections, or wonderful relationships fostered during the college years, or friendships developed while working together.  No matter how the friends come in to our lives, sometimes they remain with you always, other times they fall by the wayside, with families developing new interests, moving, or changing jobs or locales.

No matter the time spent, these connections are important.  They foster new ideas, and reflections on where we are at in our own lives, and what we have, or have not accomplished.  My other classmate was a close high school friend, we worked on the school newspaper together, had sleepovers at her parent's cabin, experimented with alcohol together.  But as will happen, we went our separate paths after high school, and have rarely seen each other through the years.  She has had a very difficult time of it, losing both of her parents and her sister in one year.  I attended her father's funeral, and felt terrible that I had not stayed connected with her.  But that wasn't the way our lives worked out, and we have found each other again.  We share a passion for knitting, and are already planning our next get together.  All of the time we did not see each other is in the past, and we are moving forward with all that the coming years have to offer.
Cherish the connections you make, with friends old and new.  Our lives are fleeting (before you know it, it will be time for YOUR 30th class reunion), and each person that comes in to your life brings something to it.  Whether you see them every week, or every ten years, or even if your friendship has ended-they meant something to you, and you brought something to them as well.

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