Thursday, August 28, 2008

not enough hours

It's been one of those weeks.

Where I am trying to pack too much stuff into days and some things have to fall by the wayside. Like writing my blog, or doing laundry.

We just had a little get together last night to celebrate the 25th wedding anniversary of our dear friends Mike and Tracy Lane. The torrential rain held off until we were all safely inside, enjoying wedding cake. Thank you, weather gods. Here is a glimpse of the night, more pics and recipes to be posted at a later date:
Before I get going on all of those dirty dishes, and head to our bank in downtown St. Paul so I can avoid it next week during the big convention, here are some pics from our trip to the fair with Heather and Riley last Friday.

Arriving at 9 am:
The same street, leaving at 4 pm:I have found that people rarely have mixed emotions about the fair, you either love it, or hate it. I am on the loving it side. In fact, I believe we are headed back there tomorrow.

I go for the Turkey Sandwiches, with a cold glass of all-you-can-drink milk.And the bunnies. I love the bunnies. There were even some for sale, but I don't think Claude would appreciate one for a companion.And the great photo ops. They are clearly not too happy that contrary to the giant sign on top of the Icee stand, they only had two flavors to choose from.

If I plan on getting to the fair, I better get that laundry done...

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