As usual, summer is flying by way too fast.
Charlie finished up four days at Huck Finn Camp at Fort Snelling. He LOVED it. They fished, they swam, they hiked, they cooked outside, they dug for fossils and artifacts, they learned about soldiers, they made their own weapons, they learned about Fort Snelling and it's rich history. Money well spent! It was put on by the Minnesota History Center, they were also having a Laura Ingalls Wilder camp at the same time. Now how many of you reading my blog would have given ANYTHING to do that when you were a young girl?
Mike has a Hare Scramble event in Grand Rapids this weekend. I like to call this the summer of the dirt bike.
The nasty muggy weather is supposed to leave us for a few days, I can't wait to throw open the windows and turn off the ac. And I am pretty sure I will have to make this:
I can taste the marmalade already!
The girls are finally done with softball in the field across the street. I will get a few days of quiet before Cretin football practice starts in earnest Aug. 1st.
Going for my mammogram today, if you are over 40 and haven't scheduled yours yet this year, get going! And for all of my dear friends who will be turning 40 in the next year ( you know who you are), just think what you have to look forward to. My aunt died of breast cancer, far too young. Her daughter is getting married in August, I am sure she wishes her mother had had regular mammograms. Just do it.
Today we are using our grill for an outdoor oven. It works great for hams, whole chickens, and giant turkey breasts. And you don't have to heat up the house. And everyone who walks by your backyard for the two hours it takes to cook will get really hungry.
Have a wonderful summer weekend!
What time is dinner? I can smell the ham from here! xoxo, t