Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Growing up, I rarely saw my cousins.

Even though we all lived in the same town, cousins were usually only seen for holidays, or perhaps a birthday.  Now I realize it is because my mom was not especially close to her sisters, and my dad and his brother were estranged.  But everyone made an effort for Christmas, Thanksgiving, a graduation.

When I voraciously read books as a young girl, I would read about family get-togethers with tons of cousins and the fun they had, and I wistfully wished that was what happened in my family.  I imagined sleepovers, and huge family gatherings where the cousins would get together and play pranks on the grown-ups.

If wishes were fishes...

Fast forward to life today, and Charlie and Riley have spent more time together in their young lives than I ever spent with all of my cousins, combined.

It speaks to the bond that Heather and I have, and how important we are to each other's lives.  And what were the odds that even though we are 11 years apart in age, we would have boys two years apart (very nearly to the day!)

Charlie and Riley have much in common;

they are both only children, love their Ripstix, play Xbox online together, and have mothers with similar interests.  They can commiserate about having to help in the garden, dealing with their mother's piles of magazines, and eating dinner in the living room as the dining room table is covered with whatever creation their mom is currently working on.

We have enjoyed numerous sleepovers,

zoo outings,

dining out,

and fishing trips in Bemidji.

 Picnics at the park, rock climbing, or just hanging out watching favorite movies.

Charlie and Riley have a wonderful relationship, and I hope they will remain close to manage life's challenges together.

(And continue to share fashion trends....)

1 comment:

  1. We were robbed, dear cousin. I'm so happy Charlie & Riley enjoy their cousinhood so much! I too hope it is a long lasting relationship for the two.


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