Monday, July 19, 2010

simple pleasures

Many mornings this summer have greeted me with lots of moisture in the back yard, from storms rumbling through.  Saturday night we even had sirens, Sunday there were lots of downed tree branches, and a power line in our neighborhood was tipping precariously toward a house.  But life goes back to normal today, the branches get cleaned up, and the backyard beckons.

I love to pour a cup of coffee, and walk through my yard, to see what has happened in the night.  The ladies mantle always provides a lovely show.

Dahlias are blooming, in assorted colors, and thriving even though the slugs seem to consider them their favorite delicacy.  I hate slugs.  I have tried all of the cures.  I still have slugs.  I balance all of the lovely moisture my very green grass and healthy flowers are enjoying with the downside, slugs and abundant mosquitoes.

My tour complete, I settle on the patio with the morning paper and my coffee.  And lately my cup of joe has been even more pleasurable, as I splurged and bought this adorable little cup. 

It is hand painted, inside and out, and features a petite porcelain flower by the handle.  So far, Mike is remembering to hand wash it.  The sweet oilcloth coasters were a gift, and add extra cheer to an already happy setting.

Call me crazy, but coffee tastes better in this cup.

What summer morning routines bring you delight?

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