Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Time Flies, trick or treating edition

As part of my Halloween decorating, I have old pictures up of Charlie when he was one, and dressed like a lamb.  When he was two, and had his hands full of pumpkin goo during carving time. And when he was three, and dressed like a construction worker. 

And this year he was Al Capone, toting his gun.


He spent Sunday afternoon creating his gun, patiently painting it in the sunny back yard.  He dusted off Mike's fedora, and requested a pocket square for his suit jacket.  I made him a cigar out of old sewing pattern tissue, and even burned the end for authenticity.

He was gone by 4 pm, joining his buddies for dinner and trick or treating together.  He came home with a huge bag full of candy, not at all ready to go to bed.  Of course he had to dump it all out and have fun sorting it, and deciding what he would share with his parents.
He claims this was his last year to go door to door.  He tells me the magic is gone.  He didn't even want to carve a pumpkin.

It just went too fast. 

Maybe from now on I can talk him into doing the holiday decorating and handing out the candy.

How was YOUR Halloween?


  1. Awesome costume, Charlie. You look fabulous. The cigar makes it! Sounds like a wonderful Halloween.

  2. LOVE his costume. Maybe he wants to make pumpkins with jello next year?
    Love ya,


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