I have been completely neglecting my blog over the last several months, just no free time in my days for writing. Today I realized that it was five years ago, on the 27th of January, that I started this blog. I feel like I don't deserve cake with candles, as my writing has been woefully absent lately.
With my days so full of everything else, I have let my blog go. I am not sure that I am ready to do it again, this next year will be challenging in so many ways. Even now, as I type this, I am feeling guilty as I should be working on my profit and loss forecast for the year. These are the days it is hard to have a home office, I find myself working into the evening to get things done, in between making dinner and doing laundry and making sure to find time for friends who need me. Even when I put everything away, into the office, away from my sight, I can hear it calling me, reminding me of the huge list of tasks I have not yet crossed off.
Oh woe is me, first world problems, right? Time for a flower picture from gardens past. I loved this one so much I had it printed on to a 11" x 14" canvas, and it hangs in my office.
Time for a deep breath, and some perspective. I WILL find time to write this year. It is a small thing I can do for myself, to keep that spoke on my wheel of life strong.